Friday, December 6, 2013

The Way I See the Days

Ten years ago I remember the greatest challenge seemed to be the tediousness of life. I despised having to have a job... I hated having to go to school... Paying bills, registering my car, waiting at a stop light. Everything seemed pointless and unnecessarily cumbersome. (So sometimes I just didn't do it.) Night came and I wanted to stay up late to enjoy the embers of free time. There seemed to be no point to all the demands of daily life.

Life was all about relaxing, having fun and not being bothered. Independence meant no one could tell me what to do. Writing, playing and listening to music was all important.

It's funny how things are different now. I care about my job, I pay my bills on time. I try to stay ahead of all these little things before they turn into problems. Life is still a battle, the difference is I now know that it must be fought. I wake up in the morning and set about my duties. The path of least resistance is no longer an option...

I look forward to mowing the lawn, wiring a light in my house, helping someone fix their car or move a couch. I'm learning to value character over physical beauty. I'm learning that events, conversations and accomplishments are only as precious and special as you make them.

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